Over Pronation

Normal Foot Movement
Your heel swings from side to side as your foot moves. When the heel swings correctly, your foot can flatten and regain its arch as you walk. But if your heel swings too much, your foot may flatten more than it should. Over time, such excess movement may cause foot problems.

When the heel hits the ground, its outer edge touches first. Soft tissues (muscles, tendons, and ligaments) relax. Your foot is able to flatten, adapt to uneven surfaces, and absorb the shock of touchdown.

During midstance, your heel is below the anklebone, and the front and back of your foot are aligned. Your foot easily bears your weight.

As the heel lifts, it swings slightly to the inside. Muscles, tendons, and ligaments tighten. Your foot regains its arch, allowing your toes to push your weight off the ground.
Over Pronation
One of the most common causes of foot and leg discomfort is a condition known as over pronation. Normal pronation, or “turning inward”, of the foot is necessary as the foot adapts to the ground. With over pronation, however, the arch flattens, collapses, and soft tissues stretch. This causes the joint surfaces to function at unnatural angles to each other. When this happens, joints that should be stable now become very loose and flexible. At first, over pronation may cause fatigue. As the problem gets worse, strain on the muscles, tendons, and ligaments of the foot and lower leg can cause permanent problems and deformities.

2. When standing, one or both of your knee caps turn inward.
3. Conditions such as a flat feet or bunions may occur.
4. You develop knee pain when you are active or involved in athletics. The knee pain slowly goes away when you rest.
5. You abnormally wear out the soles and heels of your shoes very quickly.
Symptoms can manifest in many different ways. The associated conditions depend on the individual lifestyle of each patient. Here is a list of some of the conditions associated with Over Pronation:
- Hallux Abducto Valgus (bunions)
- Hallux Rigidus (stiff 1st toe)
- Arch Pain
- Heel Pain (plantar Facsitus)
- Metatarsalgia (ball of the foot pain)
- Ankle sprains
- Shin Splints
- Achilles Tendonitis
- Osteochondrosis
- Knee Pain
- Corns & Calluses
- Flat Feet
- Hammer Toes
Recommended Product
Dr Foot’s Sports and Work Insoles
Dr Foot’s Sport Insoles provide extra longitudinal support and cushioning. Forefoot extensions prevent movement of the insert, which is important during sporting activities. Dr Foot Work Insoles provides cushioning and support for people that stand on their feet or walk all day. Both types of insoles are ideal for patients seeking arch support for prevention and treatment of excessive pronation.
The ideal insole for complete foot support, comfort, correct posture and mechanics. Dr Foot’s insole is a unique foot support system intended to help relieve over pronation, while preventing foot strain and injury. A full-length, prescription like arch support prevents and treats foot pain. The result: control for feet rolling inward (over-pronation), which can pull the entire lower body out of alignment. A special fabric cover reduces slippage and heat, helping keep feet drier.